
Our Board Members

Betty Unibe, President: While teaching children with disabilities in Santee, Betty discovered the FOL. She had found her next “career.”  So after 36 years in the classroom, she retired in 2010 and became a member of the FOL in 2011.   She has served as Secretary and has been President since mid 2016 and is involved with almost all of this fun group’s endeavors. 

Dana Tomlinson, 1st Vice President: Dana joined the FOL in 2015 right before she retired from teaching 6th grade as a way to keep busy and give back to the community. She is also the FOL’s Facebook master, Webmaster, Newsletter Editor and keeps our storage sheds organized.

Alma McGee, 2nd Vice President: Before retiring in 2014, Alma visited our bookstore one day looking for reading material and knew then that she wanted to join the FOL, doing so in 2015. She also serves as Corresponding Secretary.  Being part of the FOL has given her an opportunity to meet wonderful people who enjoy reading as much as she does.  

Stella Borik, Secretary: Stella joined the FOL in June 2011.  Since June of 2016, she has been recording secretary.  In addition to serving as secretary, she enjoys volunteering in our bookstore.

Jo Lynn Campbell, Treasurer: Jo Lynn joined FOL in 2003 on the recommendation of friends who were already members.  She was treasurer from 2005 until 2013, and was asked to take the position again in 2019. With an English background, reading has always been an enjoyable pastime.  One of her favorite pursuits is to shop various bookstores, thrift shops and antique stores for old, used and vintage books.  

Become a Volunteer!

To volunteer in our Bookstore, simply become a Member! Then fill out this form (much of this form does not apply to working in our Bookstore, but is required by the County) and bring it to the Library. They will then ask to see your Social Security card and fill out another form for a background check. Once that is complete, we will schedule you in the bookstore per your desire.

Volunteer Spotlight

Dana Tomlinson named Volunteer of the Year 2020, District 1 https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/volunteer/volunteers_of_year.html